If creation were to start all over again, God wouldn't be resting on the seventh day. No, I like to think he would be blogging on http://oldtestament.blogspot.com about all the magnificent exploits he had performed in the previous six days. After all, one has to keep up with the times, even if the times had just been recreated. Who knows, he might even be following Adam on Twitter. Always nice to see what's going on with your own creation, where he's hanging out, who he's hanging out with and what he's eating. Just think of all the confusion that could be avoided in the centuries to come in this "Second World" by having the First-Hand Source blogging about His ideas, His designs and their implementation Himself.
What I'm saying is: blogging, tweeting and whatever else there is out there, is changing the way this world acts and behaves and whether you like it or not, it's undeniable and pervasive. On my other blog, I opened by saying that someone had invented free speech and it was a software platform. Make that plural, in the meantime. I still stand by that idea. Blogging is the democratization of words and ideas on an unprecedented scale and people are using it in myriad ways, good and bad, to support what they think and push for their beliefs. It's an experiment in, amongst others, self-expression, in de-composing traditional borders and in testing the limits of tolerance and we don't know yet where it will take us.
I may not be much of a blogger really, but I do know that I want to be part of what is happening, by occasionally writing down my own take on things that interest me, encourage me or upset me; by writing about the beautiful or the ugly; by writing about the emotion and the reason. My writings will not be anything like a Big Bang. Rather, they will be silent, minute contributors to the biggest compendium of human civilisation that is being written into existence, word by word, sentence after sentence, on millions of blogs all over this world. It's utter chaos, but maybe one day, from the chaos we'll be able to see emerge some order that can take us further in a world that in almost nothing resembles anymore what it used to be.
The Seventh Day will never be the same again.
Sincerely Yours.